New Years Eve/Day!!

December 31, 2022

    This year was tough for me; a lot happened and a lot changed. Still, I have many fun memories and I'm making the most out of my experience here. I finished my sophomore year of high school, turned 16, and went to Paraguay. Today is new years eve, and my family and I are going to spend it at their country club. In Paraguay, it is a tradition to wear white on new years eve, so my friend and I bought me a dress while we were Christmas shopping.


    We are about to leave to go to the country club. I'll edit and update this tomorrow with info about the celebration. I'm so excited and I hope that this year is better than the last.

    Happy new year everyone! I hope you all enjoy your evening, and I'll get back to this later.

January 2, 2023

    Yes, this is a bit late. Yes, I am tired. At the country club, we ate sandwiches that we had brought from home, and my sister and I drank soda while our mom got very drunk. At midnight we watched the fireworks and all cheered. We then returned to our table and spent the rest of the night drinking, dancing, and laughing at my parents' dancing. We went back home very tired and promptly collapsed into bed.


(My sister took more photos, so I will upload those when she sends them to me)

    The next day, we went and had asado at our aunt's house. Once again, when we got home we were very tired and worn out. Today was a slow day to rest, but I've been keeping busy with Spanish lessons and my online classes. A slow start to the new year, but I know that I'm going to be able to get into a better routine once school starts again.

    I'm going to have lunch with my liaison later, and I also hope to spend some time with a friend of mine from AFS before he returns to the US.

    I hope you all had a good new years eve, and I hope ya'll have a good year (at least better than the last).


  1. Happy New Year, Feliz Año Nuevo!!! You look so pretty, I can't wait to see pictures of the celebration!

  2. Gracias for the updates. Estoy celosa que tú puedas hablar el español todos los días. ¿Cuándo regresas?


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